In The Teeth Of Jaws (Part 1)
- Begins with title
- Flashes banner beneath to say who they are
- Medium still shots
- Talking past the camera into space
- Some animation
- Sound effects
- Natural background setting
- Animated banner
- Cuts to different people talking
- Animation relating to the film Jaws
- Backdrops of pictures of Jaws
- Flipping through real script
- Banner showing actors name and character played
- Clips from the cartoon
- Fox logo in right hand corner
- Cardboard cut outs in background
- Interviewing various people
- Cut away shots - suggested by what someone says
- Framed to the left or right - alternating (E.g. The man below is framed at the right hand side of the screen)
- Looks at person interviewing - talking into space
- No questions are asked on screen
- Mise en scene is important
- Medium, close-up framing (E.g. The woman below has her upper-body and face on display)
- Graphics used to anchor meaning